Saturday, March 29, 2008

I have been so busy

this weekend. I pulled out my very old Incredible Knitting Machine to see if I could finally get it to work. NOT. It is still uncooperative. I just composed a letter to send to the Bond Knitting people to see if they will honor their lifetime warranty. I will let you know if I hear anything.

I have been busy trying to track down and eradicate those Phantom Power draws all homes have. I am putting in power strips that will shut off equipment totally when not in use. My home office is probably the biggest energy waster we have besides our old and archaic freezer. I have a whole bunch of doo dahs in here that suck electricity. I really should get one of those little line meters that shows you what kind of electrical draw each appliance has. Maybe next time I get out of town I will look for one. Better yet maybe I should research it online and just order one and save the time and GAS cost.

I was out in the storage shed earlier to get my rebounder (that is a mini trampoline) out and start using it. I read that the rebounder are an excellent source of excercise, low impact on knees and back and somehow stimulate all the cells in your body. Although I find that last part a little bit hard to conceive of the exercise won't hurt me.

Better run for now as I need to go take a nap, ahem, I mean sweep and mop the floor.

Till later

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Southern Mansion