Monday, September 7, 2009

Our "Southern Mansion"

I know, I know. Where the tarnation has RRR been and what has she been working on?

First let me say that my computer hard drive crashed and that put me out of business for quite awhile. There's a love/hate thing going on with me and computers.

Well, I haven't been doing a lot, but I have started working on Christmas presents :)

As you will see from the slideshow above, we have (ahem..DH has) been very busy sprucing up our humble abode. You will also see pictures of our greenhouse and our Jack in the Beanstock tomato plants (that term was coined by our neighbor).

"Them dern maters taste just like sunshine." I have put up several quarts of tomatos and salsa. We have given away AND eaten much more than I have put up though.

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that life is going on somewhere in central Nevada.

Happy Trails to all

Southern Mansion