Friday, March 6, 2009

Just Back from Krafting Korner

If you have read many of my posts you will know that I love to do crafty things. All kinds of crafty things. I like knitting best of all but I do crochet, sewing, painting etc.

Maybe you remember me mentioning the college age kid got jewelry making tools for Christmas because of a class she was taking and she has had too much fun with it.

Not to be outdone I had to try it myself. Wire wrapping is more challenging than I expected and my friend Karen makes it look too easy. Guess I will just have to keep on practicing. Gives me something to do on my Fridays.

The pictures shown are of a wire wrapped dichroic pendant and a simulated white turquoise pendant. I really like how the silver wrap turned out and it was my second attempt.

Let me know what you think?

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